Mayara ZucheliContraryThe yellow taxi indicated the city. And even if she thought she was in Rio de Janeiro, the sound that came out of the mouths of passersby…Jun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020
Mayara ZucheliMarianaMariana liked art. The walls of her small apartment were filled with images that were divided into black and white photos, reprints of…Jun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020
Mayara ZucheliEbbets FieldArnold, now 74, was just a ten-year-old boy when he left the small apartment in which he lived with his family, ran down the fire escape…May 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Mayara Zuchelimorning runsGeorgina’s apartment was about three blocks from the park. The custom was to wake up at six o’clock in the morning, when it was still a…May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Mayara ZucheliContramãoO táxi amarelo indicava a cidade. E mesmo que pensasse estar no Rio de Janeiro, o som que saia das bocas dos transeuntes já lhe avisava…Oct 2, 2018Oct 2, 2018
Mayara ZucheliAmareloA casinha amarela tinha duas janelas e numa delas repousavam dois vasos, bem pequenos, com flores de cor lilás. Não soube dizer quais…Oct 2, 2018Oct 2, 2018
Mayara ZucheliMarianaMariana gostava de arte. As paredes do seu pequeno apartamento eram recheadas de imagens que se dividiam em fotos preto e branco…Oct 2, 2018Oct 2, 2018
Mayara ZucheliCosme Velho SegundoA tarefa parecia ser muito fácil: sentar-se e começar a escrever. Mas, para Pedro, tal tarefa havia se tornado extremamente difícil. Ele…Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Mayara ZucheliO problema com a malaEra o último dia e o inevitável se aproximava. Todas aquelas tranqueiras espalhadas pelo quarto teriam que caber dentro de um espaço 60×40…Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Mayara ZucheliEbbets FieldArnold, hoje com 74 anos, era apenas um garoto de dez quando saia do pequeno apartamento no qual a família morava, descia correndo as…Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018